Model Behavior

A model I'm not.  Rehearsal today at the Hope Hotel in Fairborn, Ohio confirmed it.  While the cause is good - fundraiser for the Greene County Chapter of  the American Red Cross Association - I'm seriously doubting my decision to sashay down the run way.

The Celebrity Fashion Gala "Putting On The Glitz" is May 7, only 1 month away.  And I caved and ate the slice of cherry pie at my place sitting during todays rehearsal luncheon.  YIKES, not only am I nervous about the 'walk' but now I have to work even harder at the gym to make up for the pie.

The theme for the event is MISSION IMPOSSIBLE and however difficult, Yes, I did choose to accept the mission.

So please support the American Red Cross and attend this event if you're local.  Or send your advice, good wishes, prayers, whatever if you're not local.  I need it all to get me through this event. 

Even if I stumble I promise to be on my best Model Behavior.

Tickets are $50 each.  Included dinner, dancing, silent auction, entertainment, and fashion show.  RSVP by April 20 to 937.372.9983 ext. 12


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